It always fills your heart when your children find their passions and succeed at their goals. It is what we ultimately dream for them the moment they arrive in this world.
It’s a little extra rewarding when that child has grown up being told by ‘adults’ not to smile with her teeth because they aren’t straight enough (a photo I took just this weekend proved this idea is still engrained in her head), that if she was a few pounds lighter she would be a better performer, that had her clothes she was comfortable wearing exchanged on visits for what looked ‘better’, what was more expensive even though she was not comfortable wearing them, when everything she ate was commented on and noted. It’s extra rewarding when that child felt for years her worth was only in how she looked, what she weighed and how she dressed; and even when she finally met that societal gold standard she was called a narcissist (she likes to take selfies, what teen these days doesn’t!) from the very same lips.
A word to the wise from a parent who is currently witnessing this reality and feeling the pain second hand that this ideation has caused: love your kids unconditionally. PERIOD. In all their shapes, sizes, quirks, looks, fashions, passions and love interests cause one day they will grow up and be old enough to decide they don’t want your hurtful words in their ear anymore. They will choose not to drown in your negativity anymore.
And when they shine bright on stage, smiling teeth and all, winning first place doing what they love to do, YOU won’t be there to see it.
”We make assumptions about people based on their size. We decide who they are. we decide what they are worth . If I wear more, if I wear less. Who decides what that makes me?” ~ B. Eilish